News Archive
The Future of our Cities – Make them attractive and climate-proof: Conference proceedings available now

Hastings on the South East England coast, has hosted over 120 delegates from across Europe to mark the completion of the Future Cities project funded by the European Union. Its theme was how our cities and towns can adapt to...[mehr]
'Eg' magazine reviews the Future Cities final conference
The April 2013 edition of the 'Global to local Foundation' featured delegates view points on the conference with comments on the Adaptation Compass and thoughts and impressions from the sessions. We kindly thank Anne Finnane and...[mehr]
Adaptation Compass meets "Impact'Climat"
"Impact'Climat", developed by the French Environment and Energy Agency ADEME, allows French municipalities to identify how vulnerable they are to climate change. The French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development...[mehr]
Knowledge shared successfully

Over 120 delegates joined the FUTURE CITIES partnership to its final conference on 26th-27th February 2013 in Hastings, England to share the knowledge and look forward. At the marked place good practice tools and measures...[mehr]
Adaptation Compass tested in Hastings (UK)

On the Tuesday 27th November a workshop was held in Hastings, UK to test the Adaptation Compass. It was attended by local authorities from across East Sussex and chaired by the Environment Agency. Participants were very...[mehr]
THE FUTURE of our CITIES – Make them attractive and climate-proof! – Online registration now open
Join us on our final conference on 26 - 27 February 2013: Discuss with the Future Cities-partnership adaptation strategies and innovative pilot projects from Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain. The second...[mehr]
Climate Change Plan of Hastings (UK) adopted

On 10th September 2012 the Hastings Borough Council (HBC) Cabinet unanimously approved the town-wide climate change adaptation strategy, one of the key UK outputs of the Future Cities project. There are ten themes in the...[mehr]