News Archive
Risks and Opportunities of climate change?

Partners discussed feasible assessment in the Future Cities Adaptation Compass[mehr]
Strategic Cluster SIC adapt! unites eight NWE-projects for enhanced results
The Future Cities project is proud to be part of the Strategic Cluster SIC adapt! about adapting to the expected impacts of climate change. The Cluster involves eight INTERREG IV B projects representing almost 100 partner...[mehr]
National Adaptation Strategy for Belgium published
In December 2010 the National Climate Commission has published the "Belgian National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy". "In order to be prepared for the coming changes, the National Climate Commission has...[mehr]
Minister for Environment in North-Rhine Westphalia: Water management has to adapt to climate change
On January 27th 2011 Minister Remmel from the North-Rhine Westphalian (NRW) Ministry for climate protection, environment, farming, nature and consumer protection has invited experts, politicians, decision makers, planners...[mehr]
International Report about Cities and Adaptation submitted to French Prime Minister
The National Observatory for the Impacts of Global Warming (ONERC) has published its report "Cities and adapting to climate change" to the French Prime Minister and Parliament. The Future Cities pilot projet...[mehr]
Future Cities Twinning January 26 and 27, 2011 in Arnhem
To translate the Urban Climate Analysis map or Heat Map of Arnhem to recommendations for spatial planning a so called twinning is organized. The twinning is aimed at exchanging knowledge and experiences between de Future Cities...[mehr]
Future Cities goes for climate neutral print products
The brochure “Future Cities Adaptation Compass” is actually available in all project languages: English, French, Dutch and German. The project partnership has decided to print these brochures in a sustainable way to...[mehr]