Exhibition RIVER ARCHIVE opened on 21 March 2014 in Dortmund
The water boards Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband own a broad archive of photographs from 1899-2014 that shows the river catchments of Emscher and Lippe. About 200.000 pictures are included, of which 40.000 are historic photographs on glass plates. A selection of these pictures is exposed for the first time: The exhibition “RIVER ARCHIVE – revision and perspective” in the museum for art and cultural history in Dortmund (MKK) will be open to the public from 22 March until 1 June 2014.
The archive shows – amongst the different techniques of photography within the years – pictures from floodings that happened in the past. But also heat and drought as well as damages from extreme weather events have been caught in these pictures. Following the first module of the “Future Cities - Adaptation Compass” this archive can be used to “check vulnerability”: The information about former extreme weather events deliver valuable information about the vulnerability of the river catchments. The full archive of Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband has been categorised after the 6 climate change effects that are used in the adaptation compass: heat, drought, cold, extreme rainfall events, storm and flooding. The visitor can look at selected pictures in the exhibition, and also get a deeper insight into the full archive at an interactive terminal. The RIVER ARCHIVE is accompanied by a catalogue. A flyer provides information about the use of the archive for the “Future Cities - Adaptation Compass”.
Find more information here.
Download the exhibition flyer.