Neighbourhood projects support adaptation in Arnhem
5.000 people living and working in the densely built quarter of Arnhem-Coehoorn are offered to take the active role to develop their neighbourhood. A group of ‘established organisations’ like the municipality or the grid company Alliander joined forces to facilitate this process. The first visible activities were done in November 2013 when citizens with the help from green sme’s changed a stony parking lot into a public green park (Coehoorn parc). This is the first of the planned investments to demonstrate to the stakeholders how adaptation is a great opportunity to improve the urban environment. The Future Cities partnership visited the park during the joint development session in Arnhem.
The process includes: Asking the stakeholders what are their wishes and needs about their neighbourhood, getting a grip on the investment needs and directly linked to this the various ways to finance these needs, facilitating them in realising their wishes (design support, implementation support) and showcasing possibilities for a climate friendly transformation.
The major part of the transformation of the park was accomplished in two weeks’ time with a lot of help of the neighbourhood and a big help from various green sme’s (NL Greenlabel).