City of Unna applies the Future Cities Adaptation Compass
On 11 March 2014, Mister Kolter, Mayor of the municipality of Unna (North-Rhine Westphalia) welcomed the stakeholders from the municipality and the technical staff of the waterboard Lippeverband for starting with the process of applying the “Future Cities-Adaptation Compass”. The aim of this intense cooperation is to define adaptation measures for Unna. The tool Adaptation Compass was developed by the Future Cities partnership in an English and a German version.
During this first meeting, stakeholders started to assess the current vulnerability of the city for extreme weather events. Press articles, videos, locations and simulations maps on extreme weather events were used to launch exchanges. Local stakeholders’ knowledge and experiences with damages provide an essential input to go on with the identification of the local risks and opportunities of climate change. Follow-up meetings will support the application of the Adaptation Compass.
You can find more information about the Adaptation Compass here.