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< City of Unna applies the Future Cities Adaptation Compass
05.06.2014 15:51 Alter: 10 yrs

Future Cities supports EU Mayors Adapt

Mayors Adapt is a new EU-wide initiative to engage and support cities in adapting to climate change. It inspires local authorities to make a voluntary commitment to implement urban adaptation plans, showcases their activities and supports them in developing integrated strategies for concrete action.

On 28 May in Bonn, at the Resilient Cities ‘Open European Day’, the first signatories explained the advantages they expect from the initiative, such as knowledge exchange and enhanced political support. On behalf of Future Cities, Birgit Haupter and Ton Verhoeven shared the Future Cities-experiences with 50 participating cities.

The commitment statement is now available in all EU languages. For further information on how to join Mayors Adapt and funding opportunities, visit http://mayors-adapt.eu/

Read more about the EU Mayors adapt workshop session at the Resilient Cities conference here.