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< Future Cities supports EU Mayors Adapt
01.10.2014 12:24 Alter: 10 yrs

Now available: Welcome home video clip – feeling comfortable in a sustainable house

New ways to visualise adaptation and sustainable measures were on the agenda when the Future Cities partnership met for the Joint Evaluation Session in Essen, from 17th to 18th September. Two films were presented by wvi about sustainable aspects of the city quarter De Vloei. Have a look!

The Future cities-project is finalizing its extension phase, in which the activities to make city regions fit to cope with the predicted climate change impacts were taken a step forward. The meeting was dedicated to evaluate what was done and to discuss what this means for the joint tool “the Future Cities Adaptation Compass”.

Within the project extension, the partners contributed to four essential activities: Roll out, complement and transfer the results of the Adaptation Compass, new approaches for participation and financing concepts for adaptation measures, new ways to visualise adaptation measures, and mainstream the results into EU Adaptation Initiative for Cities “Mayors Adapt”.

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