nweurope - The INTERREG IVB North West Europe Programme is a financial instrument of the European Union's Cohesion Policy.
Lippeverband - water board responsible for the Lippe catchment, North Rhine-Westphalia, DE, Lead Partner of the project
Arnhem - municipality in the province of Gelderland, NL
Emschergenossenschaft - water board responsible for the Emscher catchment, North Rhine-Westphalia, DE
Bottrop - municipality in the Emscher catchment, North Rhine-Westphalia, DE
Hastings Borough Council - Local Authority in South East England, UK
Nijmegen - municipality in the province of Gelderland, NL
Rouen Seine Aménagement - project development agency in the Haute Normandy, F
Rouen - municipality in the Haute Normandy, F
Tiel - municipality in the province of Gelderland, NL
West Vlaamse Intercommunale - regional planning authority in West Flaanders, BE
SIC adapt! - Through the Strategic Initiative Cluster „Adaptation to the Spatial Impacts of Climate Change“ eight already approved transnational projects with almost 100 project partners combined their efforts for promoting and achieving effective climate adaptation throughout NWE.
Mayors adapt - The Covenant of Mayors initiative on adaptation to climate change
The European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change. It is an initiative of the European Commission and helps users to access and share information.
dynaklim - This 5-year-project financed by the German Ministry of Education and Reasearch (BMBF) carries out multi-disciplinary research on dynamic adaptation to the effects of climate change in the Emscher-Lippe region (Ruhr basin). The main objects of research are the potential impacts on the regional water balance and the possible options to adapt for population, economy and environment.