Working Group 1 meeting in Nijmegen, 17.-18.06.2009

On June 17th and 18th 2009 the Future Cities working group 1 met in Nijmegen to develop the transnational climate assessment.

Ton Verhoeven, chair of WG 1 and representing the municipality of Nijmegen, led through the transnational meeting in which all partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, the UK and Germany participated.

Especially the know-how of the UK partners regarding vulnerability checks, the Dutch knowledge about adaptation measures and the German approach to a guideline of climate change was a fruitful input for the joint discussion.

In concentrated mini-group work a five-step structure for the climate assessment was developped, which will be filled with information and data from the Future Cities pilot projects.

Besides the intense work a short walk around Nijmegen was done, where a flood protection wall with art work next to the river Waal was presented as well as mobile green, which is part of the Nijmegen strategy "green attack on the city".


