< International Report about Cities and Adaptation submitted to French Prime Minister
03.02.2011 10:25 Age: 13 yrs

Minister for Environment in North-Rhine Westphalia: Water management has to adapt to climate change

On January 27th 2011 Minister Remmel from the North-Rhine Westphalian (NRW) Ministry for climate protection, environment, farming, nature and consumer protection has invited experts, politicians, decision makers, planners and engineers to the conference "water in change?".

The conference highlighted impressingly the actual results of research and implementation projects how water management is affected by changing climate.

The ministry has published a broshure which presents these project results. A chapter about international cooperation shows the involvement of NRW in European projects such as Future Cities.

Find more about adapting NRW to climate change on www.umwelt.nrw.de/klima/klimawandel/index.php

Find the broshure "Climate change and water management" here for download.