Visualising adaptation measures
Issues of climate change adaptation are too abstract, too far away in time and thus citizens do not feel concerned. Therefore, Future Cities activities aimed at good and creative ways to visualise climate change adaptation.
Use picture archive to communicate on vulnerability and adaptation
Permanent awareness beyond single weather events is one big aim of Emschergenossenschaft. A picture-exhibition on former extreme weather events demonstrated the vulnerability and the possible impacts of climate change in the Emscher-Lipperegion vividly. Read more.

"Organic growth" in Ieper (Belgium)
Video clips inform about sustainability in an entertaining way. For the new development of a sustainable living quarter in Ieper the link with the existing quarters is in the focus. When developing a new area the neighbouring areas should benefit, too. A participatory process is undertaken.

Visualisation tools based on a marketing concept
The Lippeverband developed a communication concept and visualising tools to motivate the general public to take action and implement decentralised flooding prevention measures. Read more.

Transform scientific results for public understanding
In Nijmegen, one aim is e.g. to make scientific results and existing data understandable for the general public. E.g. complex computer simulations will be transformed in comprehensible maps. The municipality of Nijmegen facilitates a process in which people take action for adaptation to climate change. Among others, an exhibition boat for a dike reallocation measure in Nijmegen will be extended regarding contents related to climate change adaptation.